IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation)

What does the abbreviation IVF stand for, and what does it mean?

The abbreviation IVF stands for In-Vitro Fertilization, also known as In-Vitro Fertilization. This advanced reproductive medical technique involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside the female body. The embryos created through this method are later implanted into the uterus to facilitate pregnancy.

Who Is a candidate for IVF treatment?

IVF is considered for patients facing various fertility challenges, including:

  • Couples with blocked or damaged fallopian tubes.
  • Male fertility problems such as low sperm count or limited sperm motility. 
  • Conditions like endometriosis or adenomyosis.
  • Women with advanced age and diminished ovarian reserve.
  • Couples who have experienced repeated unsuccessful inseminations or other fertility treatments.
  • Couples with genetic disorders or genetic risks.
  • Single women or same-sex couples aiming for pregnancy.
  • Unexplained infertility causes.

We distinguish between 3 variants

a) IVF with your own eggs and sperm from your partner

b) IVF with your own eggs and donor sperm

c) IVF with donor eggs and partner's sperm

Steps Involved in an IVF Treatment

Ovarian Stimulation Desktop

Hormonal Stimulation


Before stimulation, an ultrasound is performed on your menstrual cycles 2nd or 3rd day. This ensures a promising cycle with adequate follicles in your ovaries. Hormone injections are administered to stimulate the growth of multiple follicles, in contrast to the natural cycle, where typically only one egg matures. Follicle growth and hormone levels are monitored over several days to ensure optimal development.


Follicle Aspiration and Egg Retrieval

Follicle Puncture And Egg Collection

Once the follicles reach the ideal size, you receive an injection to trigger final egg maturation and ovulation. About 36 hours later, mature follicles are aspirated from the ovaries under ultrasound guidance using a fine needle. This outpatient procedure is usually performed under anesthesia. After a brief recovery, you can leave the clinic.




On the same day as the egg retrieval, mature eggs are fertilized with sperm. Whether traditional IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is used for fertilization depends on individual case discussion before treatment.

Embryo Culture

Embryo Culture

Approximately 16 to 18 hours after fertilization, successfully fertilized eggs are identified. These embryos are carefully monitored in an incubator over the following days. Embryos are assessed daily and cultured in the laboratory for 2 to 6 days, depending on the individual situation, for immediate transfer or future freezing.


Embryo Transfer

Embryo Transfer

Embryo transfer is a simple and painless procedure. With ultrasound guidance, the embryo is precisely placed in the uterus to optimize its potential for successful implantation and development. You can relax in a resting area for about half an hour post-transfer to conclude the procedure comfortably. The transfer can occur on the 2nd day of embryo development (48 hours post-egg retrieval), the 3rd day (72 hours post-retrieval), or five days later. The exact timing is determined based on everyone’s situation. To reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies, transferring only one embryo or a maximum of two is generally recommended. We prioritize your health and safety throughout the process to offer you the best chances of a successful pregnancy.

Pregnancy test

Pregnancy Test

A pregnancy test is conducted around ten days after embryo transfer to assess the developing pregnancy. Preferably, the pregnancy hormone is measured through a blood test.


Revolutionizing IVF Support: Our comprehensive and seamless logistics solution for our couples

Option A: “Short Stay” (7-10 days)

After the initial ultrasound on the 2nd or 3rd day of your menstrual cycle, coordinated with your local gynecologist, the treatment begins if the cycle is suitable. Your gynecologist performs two additional ultrasound assessments of follicle development, and images of these assessments are sent to us. On the 9th-10th day of stimulation, we expect you at our practice for the final ultrasound assessments by Dr. Roukoudis. Depending on the case, he will determine the optimal time for egg retrieval, followed by fertilization and either fresh or delayed embryo transfer.

Option B: “Extended Stay” (approximately 14 days) 

Here, the initial ultrasound is performed in your home country. The entire stimulation process takes place in Cyprus, with Dr. Roukoudis personally conducting all necessary ultrasound assessments on-site. Depending on the situation, a fresh or delayed transfer is performed.

• All on-site ultrasound assessments are included in the program and covered by the price.

• There’s an option for the partner to arrive only for fertilization (1-2 days).

IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation)

Regardless of the chosen option, rest assured that both are excellent choices. You will remain in close contact with your dedicated patient coordinator and Dr. Roukoudis. Our reliable care and meticulous treatment organization ensures that you are in the best hands as you embark on your journey to parenthood.