Realizing your dream of becoming a mother as a single woman is no longer an impossible task. With the advancements in reproductive medicine, many options are now available for women who wish to have a child without a partner.

In Greece, single women who wish to have a child are not stigmatized, and legal hurdles are not placed in their way. Thanks to the progress in reproductive medicine, it is now possible to receive treatment without restrictions.

There are various treatment options available to you. One option is intrauterine insemination (IUI), where sperm is placed directly into the uterus. Another option is in-vitro fertilization (IVF), where eggs and sperm are combined outside the body. A third option is egg donation with anonymous or known eggs and sperm donors.

It is essential to understand that the traditional image of man, woman, child, house, and garden is unsuitable for everyone. Everyone has the right to live as they see fit, and external circumstances should not influence the desire for a child. Don’t let anyone hold you back from fulfilling your dream of motherhood.

As a gynecologist and reproductive medicine specialist, I understand the importance of allowing women to fulfill their dream of motherhood, regardless of their relationship status. My team and I are available to guide you on your journey to motherhood and provide you with the best possible treatment.